england rugby schools awards

There are a number of awards available to those who have dedicated their time to England Rugby Schools:
The Life Membership Award
The Services to Schools’ Rugby Award
The recipient will have worked or volunteered at National level usually, having served on the ERFSU Committee. The Award is open to colleagues who continue to serve or have completed their time. A Life Member would normally have worked in a National capacity for at least ten years normally following an extended period of work at their County Schools Union and or at a higher level.
Is for those who have worked at Division, County or Local level through Committee work. The Award is open to colleagues who continue to serve or have completed their time. A Services to Schools’ Award Member would normally have worked for at least ten years.
The VIP Award
Is offered to nominated teachers/volunteers who have given a lengthy period of service to rugby without being a County Schools Union or ERFSU member.
For example: A PE or non-PE teacher, not necessarily retired, having spent the major part of his career in school rugby generally supported the County Schools Union without being a committee member or holding an organising position.
All of the above Awards are at the discretion of the Nominations Panel who will consider the length of time served and the importance of their role. The above awards are presented at the Annual Dinner or other suitable events either national or local, depending on the recipient, or if they are unable to attend the Awards Dinner.
To nominate someone for any of the above England Rugby Schools Awards please contact the Hon. Secretary of your County Schools Union.