School Festival Approval Guidance RFU Regulation 15.9
RFU Regulation 15.9, requires that all school competitive activity including 7s has the approval of the County Schools Union (CSU), and are played in the School Competition Window of the Age Grade Rugby Playing Calendar.
This does not apply to normal school rugby activity, block fixtures or friendlies, which may be arranged at any time during the playing season.
It is the responsibility of the CSU to be aware of the competitive activity in their area, and to challenge schools when competitive activity is discovered which does not fall within regulation. CSUs may register a competition which requires National approval from this link.
The following regulations apply:
15.9. Competitions, Tournaments, Festivals, Rugby Camps and Tours are permitted but the following conditions must be met:
(a) Regulation 15 is complied with in full;
(b) they are in line with the Age Grade Playing Calendar and competition format of the specific age grade; and
(c) written prior approval is obtained as set out in the table below.
Please send the completed Permission for Festival, League or Tournament and supporting documentation to your County Schools Union: