Continental Tyres Schools Cup - U18s Cup
Continental Tyres Schools Cup - U18s Plate
Continental Tyres Schools Cup - U18s Vase
Continental Tyres Schools Cup - U18s Bowl
Continental Tyres Schools Cup - U15s Cup
Continental Tyres Schools Cup - U15s Plate
Please note that after completing your registration you will not receive a confirmation email. You will get a prompt from Survey Monkey indicating you are done.
The four tiers structure – Cup, Plate, Vase and Bowl – has been very successful in the last few seasons, providing meaningful and appropriate matches; therefore, we will keep the same format for next season.
Please note that due to there being a limited amount of spaces in this competition, places will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Schools who enter after the cut-off will be placed on a waiting list.
The full regulations will be sent to all entrants in due course and made available on the following webpage:
Once the draw is completed (by the end of June), it will be sent to all participating schools via email and made available on englandrugby.com. In line with the RFU communication policy used in the past few seasons, we will keep email send outs to a minimum.
Therefore, please ensure that any email address supplied is operational and will be checked on a regular basis.
Have You Registered on GMS?
The RFU have moved online and need you to register your main rugby contact on our Game Management System (GMS) to keep your profile updated.
Without this, we will be unable to contact you and provide membership support; including access to the international ticketing ballots and Schools Cup entry forms.
If you haven’t already registered, for further information, please check the webinar video here
Half Game Rule
Please be aware that the Half game rule is now regulation and will be enforced in these competitions.
More information on this may be found on www.englandrugby.com/halfgame