The RFU condemns drug use in sport. It is harmful to the health of players, totally contrary to the spirit of rugby and the RFU is committed to protecting all players fundamental right to participate in doping free rugby.
The associated rules and regulations around anti-doping may seem daunting – these pages aim to make it more accessible and to help understanding of anti-doping in a rugby context.
Further information is available on the Anti-doping home page: Englandrugby.com/antidoping
There are a range of useful resources designed to help your understanding of anti-doping within the Education resources section whether you are a player, coach, medic, teacher or parent. From this page you can access, quizzes, case studies, videos, presentations and a range of items.
Anti-Doping Educational Resources
The RFU Supplement statement not only outlines our position on nutritional supplements, but also aims to provide some practical real-world advice in this area. It is designed to assist individuals to make informed decisions when considering whether or not to supplement their diets whilst clearly identifying the potential risks.
Guidance On Supplements
Stephen Watkins, RFU Anti-Doping Manager - stephenwatkins@rfu.com
0208 8317 603
Richard Nunn, RFU Anti-Doping Officer - richardnunn@rfu.com
0208 8317 604